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The innovative vbc 3000 process

This process is protected by a French patent, reference number 04 02288, issued on 6th October 2006 and which is in the process of being extended to cover Europe. In outline, the vbc3000 process comprises the mixing of partially dried sludges with clay followed by shaping to form the required products such as bricks or granules.
These are then dried and heated to a temperature of about 1000 to 1200°C according to the type of clay used.
The drying of the materials then their heating with a temperature about 1000 to 1200 according to the kind of the used clay..


During the heating process the mineralization of the organic content of the sludges creates porosity in the material that reduces density or even expands the material and releases the necessary energy for the process to work.
The heavy metals present in the sludge and clayey minerals are thereby trapped in the ceramic matrix.

The vbc3000 process also demonstrates the advantage of being able to combine the following up-stream materials as the clay matrix : rubble and hardcore from public works, clayey fines washed out from mineral extraction processes, and sediments from dredging and flushing-out operations.
vbc3000’s ceramic products, with high added technical value, can therefore be seen as the result of a double transformation of materials usually thrown away and of sludges. They also meet the requirements of buildings of High Environmental Quality.

The reglementary position of vbc 3000 process

The Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development ruled on 3 occasions on the reglementary status of the vbc 3000’s ceramic building products and also on the sludges valorization process.

  • from the initial study of this process : letter DPPR/SDPD/BPGD/HV n° 1084 of 13th February 2003
  • in the framework of a group of employees between many managers of the MEDD : e mail dated 7th October 2005
  • upon the request of " Mr le Prefet of Mayenne " in order to confirm the chief classification of the industrial project on the procedure in process : letter SE…..dated 14th Sept 2006.

According to the Ministry, vbc3000 is a channel to transform sewage sludge, the sludge being considered as an adjuvant and not as a combustible substitute.

The materials
Sunstainable development
Technological developments
Head office : 3 bis, rue Charles Gervais - 76 220 Ferrières en Bray       Administration : Route de St-Paul - 60155 RAINVILLERS
Contact : Henry STRAUMANN - Président
Phone : 03 44 82 84 80       Fax : 03 44 82 84 81
E-mail : info@vbc3000.fr